Sunday, 2 September 2012

Getting to know you

At a recent board meeting we decided that it would be useful to know more about our members to help us to represent them and their work most effectively. We had a detailed look at the membership information we have (correct as of March this year) and found out some interesting things:
  • Half of you are based in the United States, Japan and Norway. In total 26 countries are represented (27 if, like one of our members, you count Scotland as a country in its own right). The distribution of our members is shown on the map below. We’ll be working over the next year to make sure that we engage countries where SEM work is undertaken but that aren’t represented at the moment.

*thanks to Googlecode Code Playground for graphics code

  • The majority of you are members of more than one ISIE section, with the most popular co-sections being Environmentally Extended Input Output modelling and Eco-Industrial Development. This will help us to identify opportunities for cross-section meetings and events as well as areas for collaboration with other sections.
  • We have members from 71 different organisations with the top five being Yale, NTNU, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan), Institute for Social Ecology (Vienna) and CSIRO (Australia). We’re identifying organisations that we know are involved with socio-economic metabolism but not currently represented in our membership, to encourage wider participation.
  • Less than 10% of our members are students (or have registered for the student chapter). If you have any students who you think would benefit from membership of the section please do encourage them to join. We hope to hold a drop-in session at the SEM Section conference in Darmstadt this month to get to know our student members better and to find out how the section could best support them. We’d love to see you there. If you can’t make it please contact Katy Roelich (student board member) to give your suggestions for activities or outcomes you’d like to see. 
Katy Roelich

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