POST from Dr. Dombi Mihály,
Dear Colleagues! The membership of the Socio-Economic Metabolism section of International Society for Industrial Ecology will be probably interested in the call for papers attached to my letter. CASES (Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems) is an open access interdisciplinary journal that deals with the interrelations of human beings with ecosystems in sustainable land use and land development. ---------
GUEST EDITORS: Mihály Dombi, University of Debrecen, Hungary (Coordinating Editor) Luis Inostroza, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Dominik Wiedenhofer, Alpen-Adria University, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, Austria DESCRIPTION
Socioeconomic metabolism research has been developing intensively in the last decades. Methods and tools of different temporal and spatial analyses were successfully established and applied by a broadening scientific community. Recently, one of the paths providing a deeper understanding of sustainability problems and resource requirement in particular, has been the joint analysis of material stocks and flows. Results have revealed an extremely high physical amount of stocks, relative to flows, in societal systems thus material stocks may intensely influence or even determine the resource use. From the perspective the Special Issue on the “Size of the Society” will focus on (but will not be restricted to) the following subjects:
• Accounting for material flows and stocks of the socioeconomic metabolism • Role of stocks in the socioeconomic metabolism • Stocks and flows of food supply chain • Urban metabolism
Growing material requirements of the global society performs as the main driver of unsustainable development paths. Utilization of increasing amounts of natural resources will lead to significant changes in the ecosystem, to which adaptation capacity is uncertain. This special issue will include submissions from the meeting “The Size of The Society – International workshop on linkages between material flows and stocks of socio-economic metabolism” (Debrecen, Hungary, January 27-28, 2017) and is open to contributions from other researchers dealing with these topics. Articles submitted to CASES Special Issue will deal with theoretic issues and evidences for crucial role of material stocks and flows in the socio-ecological systems.
CASES (Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems) is an interdisciplinary journal that deals with the interrelations of human beings with ecosystems in sustainable land use and land development. Socio-Ecological Systems are a leading and internationally approved concept for understanding, describing and modeling the complex human-nature environment. By focussing on socio-ecological systems, we open a wide view on many complementary disciplines that help us to develop a vision of the world of tomorrow. Feel invited to join and share your ideas!
The authors are kindly invited to register at CASES paper processing system and submit their contribution using a special track established for this Special Issue (Size of the Society). All papers will go through CASES high standards, quick, fair and comprehensive peer-review procedure. In case of any questions please contact the Coordinating Editor Mihály Dombi or the Journal Editor, Christine Fürst.
As an author of CASES Special Issue Size of the Society on you will benefit from: transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review managed by our Guest Editors efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter Open e-technology no publication fees free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions
--------- Yours sincerely, Mihály Dombi Dr. Dombi Mihály adjunktus Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar Közgazdaságtan Intézet Környezetgazdaságtan Tanszék +36/52-508-444/88024 Mihály Dombi, Ph.D. professor assistant University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business Institute of Economics Department of Environmental Economics +36/52-508-444/88024
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